EV Cybersecurity: Are Electric Vehicles Safe?

Threats to mankind are growing as technology advances and makes human existence more accessible. We require security in all aspects of our lives, whether it is for the protection of our house, life, belongings, or anything else that is essential to us. With the evolution of IT, internet-based risks are continuously expanding. Looking to secure your business then hire cyber security experts.


Cybersecurity helps to guard against cyber dangers. Cybersecurity refers to the protection of internet-connected systems from cyber attacks, including hardware, software, and data. The technology is used by both corporations and people to prevent unwanted access to data centres and other digital systems.

The importance of cybersecurity is growing as the number of people, devices, and programmes in contemporary businesses grows, as does the volume of data, the majority of which is sensitive or secret. The enormous number of cyber attackers and their advanced assault strategies exacerbate the situation.

Automated Vehicles and Cybersecurity:

Regardless of the challenges posed by COVID-19 in the car sector, economists anticipate a rise in demand for electric vehicles in 2021. Millions of electric vehicles will be on the road worldwide in the coming years. Because of ever-improving technology, the auto industry has made great progress in manufacturing self-driving vehicles known as autonomous automobiles. Hyundai, Tesla, and Google are among the companies leading the way in the creation of these cars.

As much as the EV sector helps to reduce the total environmental effect of the vehicle industry, there is also an increase in cybersecurity threats. According to experts, corporations must address security problems before extensively implementing electric vehicles.

Strategies for autonomous system cybersecurity:

For the protection of autonomous systems against cyber attacks, several machine learning techniques are applied. Different machine learning methods are used to defend autonomous systems. Using these algorithms, the car learns the owner’s routine over time. Anything that goes against the owner’s pattern algorithm is detected and alerted to the owner, who then demands the user credentials.

Some hackers, on the other hand, have the ability to fake user credentials and bypass this initial line of security. To fight this, experts can use deep learning and machine learning techniques to search for abnormalities in data from ever rising databases. Additionally, vehicle-to-vehicle communication may be evaluated to determine whether the data received is “regular driving behaviour” or a hostile assault.

As self-driving cars, drones, and automated industrial equipment grow increasingly ubiquitous, cybersecurity specialists working in the autonomous machine industry may face new challenges.

Professionally trained attackers can degrade the efficiency of electric cars by up to 50% by reducing battery capacity and energy. The researchers investigated vulnerabilities to cyberattacks with several aims in mind, including energy efficiency and safety, and created an architecture for next-generation power electronics systems. The following are some of the cybersecurity risks that might impact electrical vehicles:

Charging stations:

Commercial charging facilities for electric vehicles will be provided. Nonetheless, because electric vehicles need the grid to charge batteries, they are more vulnerable to cyberattacks than conventional internal combustion engine vehicles. A charging station may be used by a hacker to do the following things by rewiring charging requests and shutting off charging stations.

  • Override vehicle control systems
  • ID badges may be readily copied and used for a variety of transactions.
  • might disrupt networks, range sensors, and cameras, resulting in a series of crashes
  • The operating systems of self-driving vehicles might be compromised, revealing personal
  • information on other linked devices.
  • Can exercise command Headlights
  • Can take over the steering wheel
  • Can deactivate the brakes

Wireless access: Cybercriminals are particularly interested in smartphone apps because they can use them to gain access to electric vehicles. WiFi networks can potentially be accessed by hackers. Once inside, hackers may deactivate a vehicle’s alarm system, get control of other systems, and perform whatever actions they like.

Control over the server: Using command and control servers, hackers may attack a whole fleet of autos. They may wreak havoc on a company’s fleet by pressuring clients to pay their bills and continually blaring horns. In the worst-case scenario, hackers could endanger the safety of drivers.

Can an electric car be hacked?

Four reasons why

  • Their powertrain is made up of a number of complicated and linked cyber-physical systems that must be constantly monitored and controlled to assure safety.
  • Tools like adaptive cruise control and auto-assist features are part of a networked infrastructure that third parties might possibly access.
  • The same is true for enhanced car connectivity via charging points and smart grids.
  • Similarly, their improved infotainment systems allow for increased exposure.

Symptoms that your EV has been hacked

  • Speed and/or acceleration have been harmed.
  • In a relatively short period of time, a low percentage of battery capacity is lost.

These shortcomings, of course, raise major safety and functioning concerns.

What steps may be taken?

  • The study recommends certain critical measures for protecting such cars against cyber-attacks.
  • The majority is made up of a better firewall, dependable hardware, secure software updates, and code reviews.
  • Above all, Ye advocates the creation of a cybersecurity monitoring system capable of “detecting, locating, diagnosing, and mitigating intrusions.”
  • “Although car cyber-security research is still in its early stages, and the monitoring system cannot immediately recover the system to a secure location, it can notify the driver to react in a timely manner,”


The consequences of a hacked automobile are significant, but there are remedies. According to Andy Greenburg, “resolving the security problems in autonomous cars would necessitate some major modifications to their security architecture.” It will also involve cooperation among automakers, security specialists, and government agencies. As a result, a unified security architecture will be created, verified by security experts, and adhere to government guidelines. Unfortunately, security specialists are in short supply.

Most experts think there will be a shortage of roughly two million cyber professionals in the next several years. Organizations have increased their efforts to supply the pipeline with educated and highly skilled individuals who can defend vital cyberinfrastructures and information assets to address this deficit. Autonomous vehicles are on the way, and trained cyber specialists will be required to prevent and mitigate assaults and vulnerabilities in this rapidly developing technology.

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