Avee Mittal

Avee Mittal is the Product Marketing Manager at FieldCircle, field operations automation and technology consulting company. He has a knack for understanding customers’ needs and a passion for solving customer problems. He often writes on new technovations and industry trends to help people make more aware of possibilities for technology in improving business growth.

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Achieve Operational Efficiency with Waste Management Software

If you say that managing a waste management business is difficult, anyone would agree with you. Indeed it is difficult, but with the right kind of tool and technology, this difficulty can be subdued. This...



Does Sunscreen Cause Skin Cancer?

Well, people listen to their dermatologist's advice of protecting the skin in every possible way. In general, a person may be aware of the...

The Risks of Buying a House at Auction: The Anger of the Former Owners

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Anxiety Disorders: Strategies for Coping and Finding Relief

Anxiety disorders have become more common in today's fast-paced and demanding environment, affecting the lives of millions of people worldwide. Anxiety may be a...