Which Programming Language Should You Learn?

From A for A # to Z for Zonnon there are currently more than 350 programming languages – 1,500 if we include the esoteric “Just for Fun” languages ​​that are not really suitable for everyday use, such as Brainfuck or the Shakespeare Programming Language. Deciding on one is not that easy – especially when you are setting the course for your professional career. We have compiled all the relevant information for you to make it easier for you to choose your programming language (s). Which programming skills are best paid for, which are in particular demand at the moment, which programming languages ​​master the most and how do you complete your technology stack?

At this point we would like to anticipate: There is no one programming language with which you will automatically become extremely rich and which every employer is looking for. Rather, it’s about making a choice and feeling comfortable with it, because the first programming language is just the beginning. It counts, for example, to learn the underlying concepts and structure of a language and to recognize them in other tech environments. This way you learn new languages ​​much faster. It is also important to increase your own market value, for example by expanding your tech stack with specific technologies on trending topics: If you are interested in big data, then take a look at Python or R.

Questions to ask yourself when choosing a programming language–

The decisive criterion for choosing the first programming language is usually not the salary but, for example, how easy a programming language is to learn or how good your job prospects look with it. Which class of problems you can solve with a language is also interesting – for example, R is suitable for statistics and C or C ++ for speed when raising very large numbers to the power.

Here are a few questions to ask yourself at the beginning of your search:

  • Can one foresee whether the language will also be used frequently in the future?
  • Am I interested in the questions for which the language is currently used?
  • Do I want to get started in the backend or frontend?
  • Should it be a procedural or object-oriented language?
  • How well is the language suitable for learning another one later?
  • Has a community formed as a source of information about the technology?
  • How extensive is the documentation about technologies?

You must weigh the various aspects for yourself and incorporate them into your decision.

Types of programming languages–

Before you decide, here is a brief overview of what is available. A very broad distinction is made between two categories: the lower machine languages ​​and the higher programming languages. The higher programming languages ​​can also be divided into imperative and declarative languages. Imperative languages ​​such as PASCAL formulate commands to the computer and thus describe the solution to a problem, while declarative languages ​​such as Lisp describe properties of objects and thus describe the knowledge needed to solve a problem. Between these categories, there are mixed forms such as logos that have properties from both classes.

These are the programming skills that IT employers are most likely to look for–

Almost every fifth digit for which a certain programming language is explicitly required is the Java language. JavaScript and SQL are currently in second and third place. The free programming language R, which is used for statistical calculations and graphics, is in the top 10 for the first time this year.

Editor’s note: Markup languages ​​such as HTML and stylesheet languages ​​such as CSS are excluded from the top 10 rankings.

In summary, it can be said that the likelihood of above-average IT salaries increases if you either specialize very strongly, master a versatile tech stack, or keep up to date with the new trending topics and use the appropriate technology, e.g. go for cloud computing services acquire.

Of course, salary is not the only aspect that counts when choosing a programming language. An important point that speaks against too high a specialization is the security of your job. With widely spoken languages ​​you can quickly start your professional life and if you want to change industries, for example, you can find another employer just as quickly.

I am Anuradha from Kolkata, India. I have been in blogging since 2016. I write about technology, seo, JavaScript, HTML/CSS.





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