How Did People Fry Chicken Before KFC?

Kentucky fried chick is one of the first and best fast-food chains in the world. Its popularity is due to its unique dishes and top-of-the-class customer service. But what exactly garnered more success for KFC was its fried chicken. Its incomparable fried chicken is the best in texture and taste. Their recipe for fried chicken is followed by many other fast-food chains and even in households. Their trick of using a commercial pressure fryer is followed by almost everyone. Most of today’s generation only knows of the fried chicken that KFC has introduced.

How did People Fry Chicken Before KFC? 

Since I have seen my mother and grandmother making ordinary chicken fry, I find the above question very silly. Even today, many people do not follow the recipe of KFC and make standard fried chicken. It has a very simple recipe.  You can make it by adding salt and spices to the chicken and putting them inside a pan of hot oil. Chicken can be breaded, floured, and salted, according to personal preference. But all around the world, there are different ways that people used to make and still used to make fried chicken. Though the recipe remains the same, the coating and sausages make all types of fried chickens around the world different from one another.

The most common and standard recipe for frying chicken is:


  1. Chicken All-purpose flour
  2. Yogurt
  3. Salt and pepper
  4. Oil


  1. Cut the chicken into different pieces.
  2. Add salt, spices, to the yogurt and make a batter.
  3. Dip the chicken pieces in the batter.
  4. Roll chicken pieces on flour so that they get coated.
  5. Place a pot on the stovetop and add oil for deep fry.
  6. Put chicken pieces in the oil pot.
  7. Fry the chicken until they get a brown color and a hard texture.

Difference Between KFC Fried Chicken and Ordinary Fried Chicken

1. Pressure fryer 

The biggest difference between the ordinary and KFC fried chicken is that KFC fried chicken is fried in a pressure fryer. Whereas, ordinary fried chicken is fried in any pot or pan. Using the right pot makes a big difference in the taste and texture of fried chicken. A pressure fryer is a kind of fryer that allows fast cooking and seals the chicken’s natural flavor and taste. Due to this particular reason, the fried chicken of KFC tastes so rich and authentic. Also, that is why all of the commercial food chains have switched to pressure frying rather than open frying.

2. Fresh chicken

A frozen chicken cannot produce a quality taste like a fresh chicken. Generally, we usually opt for the chicken that had been in the freezer for many days to make fried chicken. And that is the reason why they do not offer good taste. On the contrary, KFC opts for the fresh chicken to make fried chicken. Because KFC knows how to cater to the tastebuds of its customers.

3. Spices

Though KFC’s spices algorithm is still a secret, it does not make much of a difference. Because it is about the taste preferences of each person. There are a variety of species out there. You can choose whichever you like and add to the recipe. But the KFC’s choice of spices may not be much different from those we use at home.

Also Read: Pregnancy Nutrition Tips – What to Eat and What to Avoid?

In a nutshell

Fried chicken, whether made in KFC style or ordinary style, it is a favorite of all. But modern techniques of frying chicken are indeed way better. efficient The modern techniques help in containing the taste and nutrients of the chicken.

I am a writer and social media enthusiast.





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